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Omron HBF 214 Body Composition Monitor detailed info

The HBF 214 provides a comprehensive analysis of your body composition, including BMI (Body Mass Index), skeletal muscle % classification, visceral fat level, resting metabolism rate, and even body age. With these insights, you can understand your body’s health and fitness level better, and make informed decisions to improve your overall wellness.

The skeletal muscle % classification feature provides detailed information on your body’s skeletal muscle distribution, which can be a critical factor in overall fitness and health. Similarly, the visceral fat level analysis gives an insight into the amount of fat embedded deep around your abdominal organs, which is a key indicator of overall health.

The Omron HBF 214 Body Composition Monitor also measures body weight accurately and calculates body fat percentage, making it easy to track your weight management progress. The device even gives an insight into the body fat % classification so that you can work effectively on losing it through diet and exercise.

Overall, the Omron HBF 214 Body Composition Monitor is an essential tool for anyone looking to improve their health and fitness. With its comprehensive analysis and user-friendly interface, it’s easy to understand your body better and take control of your overall wellness.


Omron Healthcare India Pvt Ltd

Omron Healthcare India Pvt Ltd