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Can You Walk After Knee Capping?

Knee Capping

If you’ve been suffering from debilitating knee pain, you know how it can impact your daily life. Simple tasks like walking or climbing stairs can become excruciatingly difficult, making you feel helpless and frustrated. Knee capping surgery may sound daunting, but it could be the solution to give you a new lease on life.

But can you walk after knee capping? In this blog post, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about knee capping surgery – the different types available, who’s a candidate for the procedure, and what to expect during recovery.

What is knee capping?

Knee capping, also known as patellar resurfacing or phalloplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves the replacement of the underside of the kneecap with an artificial prosthesis. This surgery is typically performed to treat severe cases of knee pain in the knee cap caused by arthritis or injury.

During knee capping surgery, the surgeon removes damaged cartilage and smooths out any rough surfaces on the backside of the kneecap before attaching a new prosthesis to it. The prosthesis can be made from various materials such as plastic or metal, depending on the patient’s individual needs.

The aim of this surgery is to reduce friction between bones in your knee joint and alleviate pain. By replacing worn-out tissue with an artificial surface, patients can improve their ability to move around without discomfort.

While it may sound like a complex and invasive procedure, advancements in technology have made knee capping surgery relatively safe and effective for those who are good candidates. However, choosing whether to undergo this type of operation should be carefully considered after consulting with a medical professional.

The different types of knee capping surgery

Knee capping surgery, also known as patellofemoral arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves resurfacing the undersurface of the kneecap with a plastic implant. There are two main types of knee capping surgery: total and partial.

Total knee capping surgery involves replacing both the underside of your kneecap and the groove in which it sits on your thighbone. This type of surgery is typically recommended for patients who have severe arthritis or damage to their knees.

Partial knee capping surgery, on the other hand, only replaces one part of the joint – either just the undersurface of your kneecap or just the groove in which it sits. This type of surgery may be recommended for patients who have less severe damage to their knees or whose condition affects only one side of their joint.

Both types of surgeries come with risks and benefits that should be carefully considered before making a decision. Your doctor will help you determine which type is best suited for your individual needs based on factors such as age, overall health status, and severity and location of knee damage.

Pros and cons of knee capping surgery

Knee capping surgery, also known as patellar osteotomy, is a surgical procedure that involves the realignment of the kneecap. This surgery is usually recommended for individuals with knee pain or instability caused by malalignment of the patella. While it has its benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider before deciding on this type of surgery.

One of the major advantages of knee capping surgery is pain relief and increased mobility. After undergoing this procedure, patients can expect a significant reduction in their knee pain and an improvement in their ability to walk or perform physical activities.

However, like any other surgical procedure, knee capping surgery comes with some potential risks and disadvantages. One notable drawback includes prolonged recovery time since patients may need several weeks or even months to recover fully from the operation.

Another disadvantage is that not all patients are good candidates for this type of surgery due to underlying medical conditions such as obesity or arthritis. Additionally, there’s always a risk associated with anesthesia; therefore, it’s crucial to consult your doctor about these factors before opting for patellar osteotomy.

While knee capping surgeries have distinct advantages regarding relieving chronic pain and improving mobility levels in many cases – they’re not suitable options for everyone due to potential complications associated with prolonged recovery times and specific health issues. Consultation with an experienced orthopedic surgeon will be helpful when considering if you should undergo patellar osteotomy so you can make an informed decision based on individual needs!

How to know if you are a candidate for knee capping surgery

Knee capping surgery, also known as patellar realignment surgery, is a procedure that aims to correct the alignment of the kneecap. This type of surgery is usually recommended for individuals who suffer from chronic patellar instability or dislocation.

Candidates for knee capping surgery typically experience pain and discomfort in their knee joint, swelling around the kneecap, and a feeling of instability or weakness in their leg when performing physical activities. They may have also tried other conservative treatments like physical therapy and medication without any significant improvement.

Before undergoing this type of surgery, it’s important to have an evaluation from an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in knee injuries. The surgeon will take into consideration your medical history, perform a thorough examination of your knee joint, and order diagnostic tests such as X-rays or MRI scans to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for this procedure.

It’s worth noting that not all patients with chronic patellar instability will require surgical intervention. In some cases where symptoms are mild or can be managed through non-invasive treatments like bracing and PT exercises, patients might not need to undergo surgery.

In general, ideal candidates for knee capping surgeries are those who’ve failed traditional methods of treatment and whose condition has significantly impacted their quality of life due to pain and limited mobility caused by unstable kneecaps.

What to expect after knee capping surgery

After knee capping surgery, patients should expect a period of rehabilitation and recovery. This typically involves physical therapy to help regain range of motion and strength in the affected knee.

In the first few days after surgery, it is common to experience pain, swelling, and stiffness in the knee joint. Pain medication may be prescribed by your doctor to manage these symptoms.

Patients will likely need to wear a brace or cast for several weeks post-surgery to protect the knee while it heals. It’s important not to put too much weight on the affected leg during this time.

As healing progresses, physical therapy will become more intensive. Exercises that focus on increasing flexibility and strengthening the muscles around the knee joint will be incorporated into the treatment.

It can take several months before patients are able to fully return to their normal activities following knee capping surgery. However, with proper care and dedication throughout rehabilitation, most individuals are able to walk without assistance within a few weeks of their procedure.


In summary, knee capping surgery involves different types of procedures that can help alleviate pain and improve mobility in people with knee problems. While it may sound like an intense procedure, many patients are able to walk after the surgery.

It’s important to recognize the pros and cons of the different types of knee capping surgeries available and consult with a qualified orthopedic surgeon to determine if you’re a candidate for this type of treatment. The recovery process requires patience, dedication, and adherence to postoperative instructions as well.

With proper care and rehabilitation exercises, most patients will be able to regain strength in their legs over time. While complete recovery timelines vary depending on individual circumstances such as age or overall health condition, many individuals report significant improvements following the surgery.

If you’re considering undergoing knee capping surgery or have recently had one done, remember not to rush your body’s healing process during its recuperation stage. Give yourself ample time before resuming any strenuous physical activities or exercise routines. Follow up with your medical team regularly throughout your recovery period too.

By understanding what is involved in knee capping surgeries upfront – including risks/benefits involved – those who require this type of treatment can make informed decisions about whether it is right for them or not!

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